
我的碎碎念以下的英文文章 讓我思考很多問題

同時 我想說出 對於 上一篇網誌 任何想法

或許有人 問我 為什麼不再對走出我生活圈的人用心,何必呢?

 就像包子說過 在眼前會出現的人很自然會一直改變

 在你的生活圈中進進出出  一切的一切都是緣分在作祟

我最好的朋友 他從台灣移民到日本 他去了五年多

在這段時間 不管生活圈是否相似 我和他的友誼不會因為遠距離而蒸發

陸陸續續我們不斷找尋各種方式保持聯絡 一直彼此支持著對方 anyway

上一篇回顧 我是要表達 我十分滿意我的現況而不會對於過去做出任何的改變

畢竟 我與那些走出生活圈的人 已經走在不同的平行線上

可以說 每個人的價值觀ˋ想法...等等 搭不上線 而自動歸類自己的朋友圈

就像吳樂群老師在課堂上說過 哪種人就會和哪種人交朋友 自然而然了解



但有時候會有不尋常的眼神 在角落窺視著我 

我再怎麼不喜歡 也是那眼神主人的自由

我不欣賞 我不希望 有這種眼神把我當成焦點


因為這些舉動更看得清楚 對方的心理是存在的想法

別說已呈透明狀 口是心非的字詞 我不敢用放大鏡透視

卻看不清自己扮演著背對著彼此的角色 卻不是 face to face

沒有阿輕所說"王不見王" 我絲毫不願意為其中的王

我很認真度過每一分每一秒 就算我忽略任何一科沙 我也沒有第二句怨言


我不想按下backspace讓他重新key in 那是我過去用心經營的日子

現在的我 更用心在我自己身上

和現在的你們學習任何新的事物 新增生活上的一角


希望每個人 能找出屬於自己的生活圈 努力跳燿出最精彩的那一刻


【Do you need to "edit ur friends?"】

Is ur cell phone directory full of phone numbers of people you don't really

want to talk to ?do u go out with poeple from work or school more often than

ur real  friends ? do u say yes to invitations because u think u should,not

because u want to ? if u answered yes to at least two of these questions,

then maybe it's time to "edit ur friends?"

Nowadays people tend to spend a lot of time socializing with coworkers or

classmates.The resule is that we don't have enough time to see our real,

close friends.As our lives get busier,it becomes more important to spend

the little free time we have with people we really want to see,people we

love and who really love us.

Who are the friends u need to edit?A few years ago, I read a book about

how to get rid of unnecessary possessions.

It said u should ask urself about each thing u have:Is it useful?Do I really

like it? Do I feel better every time I look at it?If the answer is no to any

one of those questions,u should throw if away. Maybe we should ask

similar questions about our friends.

What kind of friends will u probably need to edit?Sometimes it's an old

friend-somebody that u used to have a lot in common with ,but who,

when u meet now ,u have very little or nothing to say to .

Or it might be a new friend that u get along pretty well with ,but

who is taking up to much of ur time.Next time one of these people

calls u and suggests a meeting ,think,"do I REALLY want to see this person?"

and if the answer is no, say No,and make an excuse.

That way you'll have more time to spend with ur real friends.



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