出發日:台灣時間 6/26 6:25 am 
途徑:台灣→香港 一小時又四十分 
  香港→美國紐華克 班機delay半小時 起飛又等了一個小時 總共坐了

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springjanice 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()


幾乎每天行程都滿的 玩了很多

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尤其真的很不小心 遇到英文期末考
那我們就 前一天一起去吃飯吧

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星期五 跟相茹一起搭車回家
一路上很愉快 聊聊以前有趣事

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Hello, Miss Chen.My name is Janice Wu,who was born at Taichung,but now I have to stay in Taipei for studying in Chinese Culture University.Actually, I love my hometown well, it's bigger than Taipei . If you have free time , you can get a chance to visit Taichung's everything.Maybe you will fall in love with Taichung.I like to traveling,swimming,watching movies,and doing like girl's work.There are five members in my family. They are so sweet, because they love me very much.My parents want to let me study good English , they work hard.Then I major in the Geology. What's tne Geology? It's an embarrassing question. I really don's understand what the Geology is.When I got the entrance application, "what can you do in the future?",my parents said.They resisted on I would major in the Geology .However what they say,I was glad to receive this result, perhaps it would be change my life. It's a much difficult work .I would like to work hard for it.

Female stereotypes

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這禮拜 行程滿滿滿

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星期日工作天 被'邀"去上班打報表

早上被我家阿姨 咆哮 吵醒
ㄧ直在念我的小表妹 ㄧ直睡還說你假日不會睡太晚

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